[Design Patterns] 1. The Strategist

5/1/2024 4 minutes read

The strategy design pattern outline a set of algorithms, so that they can vary independently of the context using it during runtime. We'll start of the Design Patterns series with one of the most popular and useful tools -- The Strategy.

coding style
design patterns
object-oriented programming
A futuristic scenario with a man in front of his computer.

HuggingGPT: Unifying AI Models for Complex Tasks

4/1/2024 3 minutes read

HuggingGPT - an innovative framework proposed by Zhejiang University and Microsoft Research Asia, stands out for its pioneering method of orchestrating the collective intelligence of multiple specialized AI models through the central command of an LLM. We'll explore how it orchestrates a myriad of specialized AI models from the vast repositories of Hugging Face

machine learning
data science
model engineering
A brain in middle with many gears around (symbolizing LLM managing smaller expert models).

AstroJS - Arising JavaScript Framework for Blogging

12/11/2023 4 minutes read

Among the various JavaScript frameworks and libraries available, AstroJS has emerged as a particularly compelling option for blogging platforms, thanks to its unique approach to rendering and performance optimization. This is my first time building a web frontend using AstroJS and I'm already loving it, here's why.

The full Astro logo.